RED ROCK’ is an Irish crime-drama series with an all-star cast. Based in the fictional seaside town of Red Rock is a busy Dublin Garda station just outside of the city. Two prominent families in the neighbourhood are the Hennessys and the Kielys, who have an ongoing feud with each other. Working to keep the peace between the locals are the police, however when a dead body is found lying on a pier the two families reignite their war.
“ The Irish Times. Red Rock got off to a rollicking good start. ” more
“ Irish Film and Television Awards 2018 - Best Television Drama Series/Serial/Soap ”
“ Irish Film and Television Awards 2016 - Best Television Drama Series/Serial/Soap ”
“ Irish Film and Television Awards 2015 - Best Television Drama Series/Serial/Soap ”
“ Irish Film and Television Awards 2015 - Best Director Soap and Comedy - Lisa Mulcahy ”